This week, May 5th through May 11th, we celebrate National Pet Week.
The American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Animal Hospital Association have made the best veterinary care recommendations, and the following serves as a summary checklist for all pet owners:
Life style, life stage, behavior, diet, dental exam, pain assessment, body condition, medical conditions, diseases, parasite prevention and control, dental care, and breed considerations
[] Annual heartworm testing and monthly preventative
[] Annual internal parasite testing and appropriate control and prevention
[] Control and prevention of ticks, fleas and other parasites
[] Dental diagnostics (e.g. x-rays)
[] Early disease screening through blood and urine tests
[] Genetic screenings
[] Proper diet and behavior recommendations
[] Vaccinations for Rabies, Canine Distemper Virus, Canine Parvovirus, Canine Adenovirus-2, and other non-core vaccines as needed
[] Appropriate identification, INCLUDING microchip
[] Reproductive counseling, including spay and neutering, or proper breeding planning
[] Council regarding transmissible diseases to humans
Life style, life stage, behavior, diet, dental exam, pain assessment, body condition, medical conditions, diseases, parasite prevention and control, dental care, and breed considerations
[] Annual heartworm testing and monthly preventative
[] Testing for Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
[] Annual internal parasite testing and appropriate control and prevention
[] Control and prevention of ticks, fleas and other parasites
[] Dental diagnostics (e.g. x-rays)
[] Early disease screening through blood and urine tests
[] Proper play and environmental enrichment
[] Genetic screenings
[] Proper diet and behavior recommendations
[] Vaccinations for Rabies, Feline Panleukopenia Virus, Feline Herpesvirus-1, Calicivirus, Feline Leukemia Virus, and other non-core vaccines as needed
[] Appropriate identification, INCLUDING microchip
[] Reproductive counseling, including spay and neutering, or proper breeding planning
[] Counsel regarding transmissible diseases to humans
At Dr. Sam Pet Hospital we always make the recommendations the well-being of your pet. We promote wellness and preventative care because at the end, it is easier (and less expensive) to prevent than to lament!
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